Winkler County Rural Health Clinic
Conveniently located directly behind Winkler County Hospital District is the Winkler County Rural Health Clinic. WCRHC opened its doors in 1995 to serve the residents of Winkler County and the surrounding areas. In 2015 the clinic moved into its new state of the art building located next door at 828 Myer Lane.The Winkler County Rural Health Clinic is available to meet your primary health care needs. Our Providers specialize in caring for your whole family, and is now taking new patients from infancy to late adulthood.
Same day appointments are available, and walk-in patients are accepted.
For more information, call (432) 586-2040.
Se Habla Español!
To see a detailed bio of our providers please follow the link below:
Meet Our Providers
Texas Vaccines for Children Program
Winkler County Rural Health Clinic participates in the Texas Vaccines for Children Program. Free of cost to our patients.Schedule an appointment today for a free consultation with a vaccine coordinator.
National Health Service Corps
Winkler County Rural Health Clinic is a member of the National Health Service Corps: County Rural Health Clinic does not discriminate based on race, sex, gender identity, color, national origin, disability, religion, sexual orientation, or inability to pay.
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